The hotel offers suitable facilities and expertise to accommodate top-level sports teams. The proximity to Alcorcón, Móstoles, Majadahonda, Fuenlabrada, Navalcarnero, or the Intu Xanadú center in Arroyomolinos—municipalities very active in sports—makes it the perfect hotel for such groups. We have proven experience in accommodating football, basketball, padel, cycling, martial arts, and winter sports teams...
The hotel offers suitable facilities and expertise to accommodate top-level sports teams. The proximity to Alcorcón, Móstoles, Majadahonda, Fuenlabrada, Navalcarnero, or the Intu Xanadú center in Arroyomolinos—municipalities very active in sports—makes it the perfect hotel for such groups. We have proven experience in accommodating football, basketball, padel, cycling, martial arts, and winter sports teams...
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